1989 — Quito-Ecuador
2010 — Alumni US State Department. Study of the US.
2011 - Current — TV producer, reporter.
2012 — BA in Communications Design from the Universidad San Francisco.
2016 — MFA in Design for Social Innovation (DSI) at the School of Visual Arts in NYC.
2017 - 2020 — Co-founder Andes Materials.
2016 - Current - Consultant at IMPAQTO
2016 - Current — Professor and chair of the BA Communication Design Program at USFQ-Quito
MUVA is a tribute to my mom and dad.
"I feel extremely honored to have such a magnificent original artwork on BUTTERelixir"
Lorenza Pintar. CEO & Founder at BUTTERelixir
¨His optimism during that conversation was as bright as the sun-washed equator on which he lives.¨
Cheryl Heller. Chair MFA Design for Social Innovation
"Thank you for your beautiful contributions to the world, especially to those who need the support, love, and unique gifts the most!"
Abbi Klein, therapist at AND Community.
“Su capacidad para facilitar procesos creativos, fomentar la innovación y conectar con diversos públicos ha sido altamente valorada por nuestros clientes y aliados.”
Daniela Peralvo. Co CEO IMPAQTO
2016 — It Makes Sense at NYC
2019 — DSI Guest Lecture: Andes Materials at NYC
2021 — Design Culture(s). Cumulus Conference Roma at Sapienza University of Rome-Italy
2018 — 56 Congreso de Americanistas. Universidad de Salamanaca Andes Materials: Comprender la Extrañeza de la Alteridad
2020 — FAD Universidad de Vigo. Negotiating the Inherent Conflict of Hyperconsumption and Conservation on the Galápagos Islands through Dress
2021 —Stumbling into sustainability: The effectual marketing approach of Ecuadorian entrepreneurs to reframe masculinity and accelerate the adoption of slow fashion. Critical Studies in Men's Fashion